Accountants who specialise in
Arts and Entertainment
Entrance hall
This is the entrance hall at the foot of the stairs to our office on South Molton Street. The stairs are lined with signed memorabilia from shows and festivals.
Of particular note is the Albert Square street sign with many famous signatures from the square’s inhabitants.
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Roberts office
This is a corner of Robert’s office which shows a sofa that our clients used to be able to sit on. Now, the sofa and surrounding area now overflows with a multitude of mannequins and theatrical dolls.
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Roberts office
This is one half of Robert’s office, adorned with arts and entertainment memorabilia collected over the years. There’s not really room for much more, we’ve been collecting for a long time though and will continue to do so.
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Door to one of the offices
This photo is taken from our reception area and peeks into one of the offices. The doorway is adorned with vignettes of famous theatrical plays.
Inside the office you can just about see the sofa which houses a collection of dolls which can be seen in another gallery image.
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Culture Recovery Fund: Grants Programme
Help for organisations at imminent risk of failure